Ahmed is an entrepreneur, technology executive & an AI expert. He joined Cassava Technologies Group in May 2002 as Sr. Advisor for the Group President & CEO for AI, and he is now the COO and CEO of Compute AI.

Ahmed was the Managing Director & CEO for “Telecom Egypt” between 2017-2019. He started his career as a design engineer for mobile networks at Alcatel between 1995-1998, Ahmed then joined “MobiNil” (currently Orange Egypt) as the Network Development Manager in 1998, In 2002 he joined the company executive committee as Networks and Roaming Director till 2007.

In 2007, Ahmed started his entrepreneurship career founding “Telecomax Group for Investment and Development”, a group of companies providing end-to-end engineering services in the fields of telecommunication and Information Technology services in Africa and the Middle East, he served as the group Chairman & CEO till 2016.

In 2013, Ahmed co-founded “IDEA; Investment for Development in Emerging Africa” focusing on human necessities technologies as “water out of thin air” and “solar power”, he served as the company Managing Director till 2016. Ahmed also founded “WAKANDAI ventures” in 2019, a technology savvy investment firm focusing on investing in AI startups in Africa & Middle East.

Ahmed is a Harvard Business School Alum since 2020 after completing HBS General Management Program, he also concluded HBS programs on Data & AI. Ahmed holds a M.Sc. in Mobile Communication from University of Alexandria since 1997, he also holds MBA from the University of Rennes since 2005. Ahmed has several research contributing in the field of Mobile Communication that was published in the Telecom World Conference in California in 1997 and in the International Institute for Communication and Information Technology (IEEE) Magazine May 2001.

Ahmed was elected to serve in the Board of Governors in the Pacific Telecommunications Council between 2018-2021, he also served as a board member in Telecom Egypt (2016-2019) and Vodafone Egypt (2017-2019).